Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sandee said making this was cheaper...

...which just goes to prove that Sandee is bad at math. Between the price of the pork, plus the Dinosaur sauce, it costs MORE to MAKE pulled pork than to buy a cheap pre-made alternative.

Pork Shoulder : $10.45
2 bottles of Dinosaur - $7.38
-- 8 to 10 hours of my life spent monitoring meat I won't eat

"Club Pack Pulled Pork" - which I could have reheated in 4 min in a microwave

This doesn't even include the expenses of meat thermometers or fat separators, that I purchased because I care about YOUR health. Nor has anyone factored in the value of my time, which is clearly priceless, since I have enough to make silly blogs about cooking pig meat.

In conclusion - Sandee is not your go-to person for finances.

10.45. 10.45?! I spent $11 on a hunk of raw dead pig?!


  1. You forgot to add that not only is it cheaper to buy than to make, but in your case, it would also TASTE BETTER!

  2. I hope Sandee's husband helps the kids with their math homework.

    I am grateful for all you have done for us! Did Sandee go clamming for her soup? I think not!
